English Conversation

In St Augustin, you can learn English of course, but you can practice English for a few extra hours with an assistant who speaks English. During these hours, you can learn Geography and Mathematics lessons in English for example.

The English conversation is an option for all the classes : 6eme (the equivalent in Great Britain is year 7, 5eme is year 8, 4eme is year 9 and 3eme is year 10).

There are approximately 2 hours a week. The assistant is from Great Britain, USA, Ireland or another English countries.

Work Experience

 There are approximately 2 hours a week. The assistant is from Great Britain, USA, Ireland or another English countries.

 In St Augustin we have many work experiences but only in 4eme and 3eme.
A work experience is a period of few days where the student works like a real employee.
They're two work experiences in 4eme, one of 1 day and another one of 2 days.
It's the same in 3eme but there's just one work experience of 3 days.
The pupil must contact a company to find his (or her) work experience and the contract must be accepted by the boss of the company.

Classic Lessons

In our School, everybody studies the principal subjects like mathematics, French, English, history-geography, biology ...
You can learn different modern foreign languages such as Spanish, German but also Latin too.
We don't have any cooking lessons but art and music instead. You can realize clocks or small cars in technology and experimentations in science. You can go to the I.T. Room for different lessons. Televisions are availiable to watch a film or a documentary film in class.

Thibault, Edmée, Alexandre.